Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An Open Letter to Glenn Beck by Thomas DiLorenzo

Dear Glenn,

First of all, congratulations on deciding to become a community organizer for the cause of liberty and prosperity, as reported all over the media recently. You will be a stark contrast to the Marxist in the White House who boasts of his community organizing efforts for the exact opposite cause, ACORN-style socialism as defined by its Peoples Platform. (His nationalization of banks, General Motors, and possibly health care, and his administrations bombastic, anti-capitalist rhetoric, reminds me a lot of Lenins first months in power.)

Glenn, Im writing to offer a few suggestions with regard to your upcoming community organizing efforts, which I’m sure will attract huge media attention and could potentially be very influential. First, you really need to man up those Five Pledges of yours, especially Pledges 1 and 2. There you say you are in favor of a balanced budget, and that government should not increase the financial burden on taxpayers during difficult economic times.

Entire Article HERE

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