Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ending the Propagandocracy by Returning to Reason, Ethics and Truth « PEACE BY TRUTH

What we believe in the western world to be our democracy has turned into something wholly different, since the point where we turned away from the path of reason, ethics and truth.

Rather than a democracy, the system we now have in the western world might be called a “propagandocracy”.

It is through the power of deceptive manipulation that we are ruled by an arrogant elitist plutocracy, one that has lost an understanding of basic ethics, a respect for honesty and truth, and a sense of compassion. And although this plutocratic ruling class sees itself as the intellectual elite, it has, in reality, also lost most of its capacity for reason.

But this loss of reasoning capacity doesn´t only afflict western society´s elite; it has spread down through all levels of western society.

Reason, true reason, in our relationship to others means to consider the other person (or the other group of people, the other nation, the other religion) which we encounter in life as an equal partner in these encounters, and to consider the other´s interests to be as valid as our own.

In the long run, this is the only way to live in peace with others. Democracy can´t thrive without this kind of reason.

Entire Article HERE

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