Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fear and Loathing in the U.S.M.C. For God and Country

I was young and naive when I joined the U.S.M.C. I held an anti-authoritarian attitude and libertarian leanings, before my embrace of anarchism. I was at that point a John Stossel libertarian. I would frequent the Advocates for Self Governance. I still held to the idea that there was a ‘good government’ and this was the killing kind. It was my time in service that opened my eyes to the lies that I was told.

I was twenty three years old living in a little studio apartment dealing with legal issues involving abstract laws of the state. I decided that I could get education a job and a place to live if I just joined the Marine Corps. I got a job waiting tables over nights at the local ‘Steak ‘n Shake.’ I went early in the morning after my shift up to the local recruiters office sporting my red Mohawk. I went through a bad break up and was feeling no reason to stick around Cincinnati. So I was going through a period where I was listening to a good deal of ‘Stiff Little Fingers’

Entire Article HERE

Fear & Loathing Part Two

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