Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Truth Seeker - Who Was Albert Pike?

More than a hundred years ago, a known Satanist and leading Freemason may have anticipated the recent events in London. Albert Pike’s plan was to foment three world wars with the third and final war opening the way for the introduction of a new global faith, a religion that would have Lucifer as its idol.

Diabolically inspired, Pike’s vision was to pit Muslim’s against Jews and Christians across the planet and with the outrages in London, and the media’s portrayal of elements of Islam as “extremist”, one has to wonder whether we are not seeing Pike’s plan come to pass.

After all, investigations into the atrocities are being led by some of Britain’s top policemen many of whom are thought to be Freemasons. Indeed, membership and participation in Freemasonry is considered the prime criteria in promotion in Britain’s police force. Could they be following a plan first outlined by modern Freemasonry’s founder, Albert Pike?

Given this, and the fact that Britain has seen a massive influx of various faiths and races, could this indeed be the first sparks of what is intended to be a global conflagration? We leave you to decide...

Entire Article HERE

Obama is Preparing to Bomb Iran

After about two and a half years during which the danger of war between the United States and Iran was at a relatively low level, this threat is now rapidly increasing. A pattern of political and diplomatic events, military deployments, and media chatter now indicates that Anglo-American ruling circles, acting through the troubled Obama administration, are currently gearing up for a campaign of bombing against Iran, combined with special forces incursions designed to stir up rebellions among the non-Persian nationalities of the Islamic Republic. Naturally, the probability of a new fake Gulf of Tonkin incident or false flag terror attack staged by the Anglo-American war party and attributed to Iran or its proxies is also growing rapidly.

Entire Article HERE

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"The Secret of Oz" trailer - How to Fix the 2010 Depression - directed b...

Calm urged after judge's 'beyond absurd' ruling

An activist group battling illegal immigration is calling for citizens to remain "calm" after a ruling from a federal judge in Arizona gutted a state law intended to defend citizens from illegal aliens – a decision a key member of Congress called "beyond absurd."

The ruling released today by U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, a Clinton appointee, struck down sections of the Arizona law that made it a crime not to carry appropriate papers for immigration registration and criminalized illegal aliens' efforts to get jobs.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who signed the bill into law and has accused the federal government of failing her citizens, promised to continue pursuing the case on appeal and go as high as the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.

Those applauding Bolton included the Mexican government, which had complained to Congress about the law, which made it a crime to be illegally in the U.S.

Entire Article HERE

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

‘The world won’t say a thing’– Netanyahu on ongoing Israeli expansion

The Washington Post, and Glenn Kessler, have picked up the story that Netanyahu said that "America is a thing that can be easily moved," back in 2001. Good to have this knowledge inside the Beltway at last.

Below is a transcript of the Second-Intifadah era conversation, supplied by Dena Shunra, a Hebrew<>English translator living and working in the United States. Note that Netanyahu quotes his extremist father counseling him to give up 2 percent of Hebron (during the Wye negotiations) so as to maintain the Jewish settlements there and get people off Israel's back. And note that Netanyahu's defiance about American opinion extends to the whole world. When his interlocutor asks about world opinion re continued conquest/settlement, he says, "The world won’t say a thing. The world will say we’re defending."

Read Transcript & Watch Video HERE

Monday, July 26, 2010

Israeli attack on USS Liberty (US Navy ship)

There are conflicting stories about this unfortunate event to this day.
If it was just "mistaken identity" or "friendly fire" one might ask him/her
self, why so hush, hush, so secretive, never mentioned on main stream media, even after Israel paid reparations three separate times?

'The USS Liberty': America's Most Shameful Secret

NEW YORK – On the fourth day of the 1967 Arab Israeli War, the intelligence ship 'USS Liberty' was steaming slowly in international waters, 14 miles off the Sinai Peninsula. Israeli armored forces were racing deep into Sinai in hot pursuit of the retreating Egyptian army.

'Liberty,' a World War II freighter, had been converted into an intelligence vessel by the top-secret US National Security Agency, and packed with the latest signals and electronic interception equipment. The ship bristled with antennas and electronic 'ears' including TRSSCOMM, a system that delivered real-time intercepts to Washington by bouncing a stream of microwaves off the moon.

'Liberty' had been rushed to Sinai to monitor communications of the belligerents in the Third Arab Israeli War: Israel and her foes, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.

At 0800 hrs, 8 June, 1967, eight Israeli recon flights flew over 'Liberty,' which was flying a large American flag. At 1400 hrs, waves of low-flying Israeli Mystere and Mirage-III fighter-bombers repeatedly attacked the American vessel with rockets, napalm, and cannon. The air attacks lasted 20 minutes, concentrating on the ship's electronic antennas and dishes. The 'Liberty' was left afire, listing sharply. Eight of her crew lay dead, a hundred seriously wounded, including the captain, Commander William McGonagle.

Entire Article HERE


What follows is the original article I wrote when the news story first broke regarding the existence of a system to tap into any phone in America built into the surveillance system used by law enforcement authorities. Several cases were cited where investigations ranging from drug running and money laundering to the events of 9/11 had been compromised by leaks from the company that operated the phone taps as well as phone data from an associated company that handles billing services for almost every phone in America.

The focus of the article was a single question. Could Israel be blackmailing the entire US Government and media.

The answer is now obvious. Fox News, the so-called "We report, you decide" all news network, has removed the four part story from their website. No explanation is given except for the single Orwellian sentence at the end of one of the links, "This story no longer exists".

Entire Article HERE

The Largest Street Gang in America

I respect & admire anyone who chooses to go into a career putting themselves in harms way everyday, with that choice comes an oath & an enormous amount of responsibility for doing whats right.

The Largest Street Gang in America

BoilingFrogs | MySpace Video

Oklahoma City Bombing RARE footage

The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing

On April 17, 1995 Timothy McVeigh reportedly picked up a 20-foot Ryder truck from Elliott's Body Shop in Junction City. The truck was filled with roughly 5,000 pounds (2,300 kg) of ammonium nitrate, an agricultural fertilizer, and nitromethane, a highly volatile motor-racing fuel-a mixture also known as Kinepak or ANFO (ammonium nitrate/fuel oil).

At 9:02 a.m. on April 19, 1995, the truck exploded in the street in front of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building. About 90 minutes later, McVeigh was stopped by an Oklahoma state trooper for driving a vehicle without a license plate, who then arrested him on a firearms charge. Two days later he was charged in the bombing. His friend Terry Nichols was arrested in Kansas, and formally charged with the bombing on May 10.

There are many problems with the official story of the bombing. Let's start with McVeigh's whereabouts on April 17.

Entire Article HERE


James Turk’s article Hyperinflation Looms dated April 20, 2010, is based on Quantity Theory
of Money (QTM). It draws an analogy between Weimar Germany of 1923 and the United
States of 2010. Both precepts are invalid. As far as the QTM is concerned, it suffices to point
to the very fact, admitted by Turk, that it is possible to have a shortage of money
simultaneously with the overworking of the printing presses. Hyperinflation is not the same as
the ultimate inflation of the money supply. It is the ultimate depreciation of the currency unit.
The two concepts are far from being the same, QTM notwithstanding.

Entire Article HERE


There is nothing new in a government lying to their people to start a war. Indeed because most people prefer living in peace to bloody and horrific death in war, any government that desires to initiate a war usually lies to their people to create the illusion that support for the war is the only possible choice they can make.

Entire Article HERE

A case against government Part 3: State Violence | Gonzo Times

It occurred to me that there may be those out there who read this site and still do not comprehend my philosophy. I think people loose me when they argue what the role government should have. I ask if we should have a government. My answer is no. I think a good place to start is to look at is what I call State Violence. In order to accept the existence of a state you must accept state violence. A state has no way to force it’s will upon the people without threat of force. In order for a state to exist it must embrace two basic forms of violation. These are theft and violence. The state exists as a parasitic entity that is destructive to both the host and itself.

Entire Article HERE

The Death of Paper Money

The crucial passage comes in Chapter 17 entitled "Velocity". Each big inflation -- whether the early 1920s in Germany, or the Korean and Vietnam wars in the US -- starts with a passive expansion of the quantity money. This sits inert for a surprisingly long time. Asset prices may go up, but latent price inflation is disguised. The effect is much like lighter fuel on a camp fire before the match is struck.

People’s willingness to hold money can change suddenly for a "psychological and spontaneous reason" , causing a spike in the velocity of money. It can occur at lightning speed, over a few weeks. The shift invariably catches economists by surprise. They wait too long to drain the excess money.

Entire Article HERE

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jaw-dropping video shows every nuclear explosion from 1945-1998


Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Fall of America and the Western World - Official Trailer

If there is one 'Documentary Trailer' you watch then forward to your friends & family, make it this one.
We must unite & restore what is rightfully ours, but in order to do so, we must know the tactics & objectives of those who wish to cast their evil upon us.

The Fall of America Website HERE

Friday, July 23, 2010

Gerald Celente: 'This isn't reform, its depression'

Can anyone say Monopoly?
Unbeknown to the masses, the Federal Reserve has created the environment in which the crisis was born, offered a solution and scored touchdown, again, for themselves...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The U.S. Military does not want you to see this video: The truth about t...

This video is NOT for children, it is disturbing, but it is the truth. Don't believe it? Then stop being lazy, stop buying the corporate B.S. & do your research for a change...
We are not here to be politically correct, we are here to WAKE YOU UP!

Let me start out by saying that I respect & honor all Americans who choose to be soldiers. I care very deeply for all people, except the ones who think killing and/or torture is the answer for all that ails America. The real soldiers of our 'republic' are the men and women who stand up for human rights, peace, truth and the freedoms this great country once possessed

Killing Us Softly part 1 of 4

If at first you fail, try, try AGAIN...
Soft Kill!

Fear and Loathing in the U.S.M.C. For God and Country

I was young and naive when I joined the U.S.M.C. I held an anti-authoritarian attitude and libertarian leanings, before my embrace of anarchism. I was at that point a John Stossel libertarian. I would frequent the Advocates for Self Governance. I still held to the idea that there was a ‘good government’ and this was the killing kind. It was my time in service that opened my eyes to the lies that I was told.

I was twenty three years old living in a little studio apartment dealing with legal issues involving abstract laws of the state. I decided that I could get education a job and a place to live if I just joined the Marine Corps. I got a job waiting tables over nights at the local ‘Steak ‘n Shake.’ I went early in the morning after my shift up to the local recruiters office sporting my red Mohawk. I went through a bad break up and was feeling no reason to stick around Cincinnati. So I was going through a period where I was listening to a good deal of ‘Stiff Little Fingers’

Entire Article HERE

Fear & Loathing Part Two

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Two Cows

You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor.
You have two cows. The government takes both of them and gives you part of the milk.
You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them, and sells you the milk.
You have two cows. The government takes them and denies they ever existed. Milk is banned.
You have two cows. The government takes both and then shoots you.
You have two cows. The government takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain.
You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.
You have two cows. Either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbors try to take the cows and kill you.

The State Murder Of Gordon Kahl

Gordon Kahl was viciously murdered in 1983 by a gang of brutal criminals who have never been brought to justice. As though his mere execution was not enough to satisfy his tormentors, they beat the 63-year-old Kahl with the butts of their rifles, breaking multiple bones and teeth and further mutilated him through dismemberment. One foot would later be found under a refrigerator in the ruins of the house that was also destroyed by these terrorists. Kahl was executed at some point on that June day in 1983, via a point-blank shot through the back of his head, but still not satisfied, the terrorists then burned his body beyond recognition. Gordon Kahl had been a highly decorated World War II veteran, a farmer, the father of six, and a tax patriot. He refused to pay taxes to the U.S. federal government after he discovered that the government was operating under the Communist Manifesto rather than the U.S. Constitution. The cold-blooded killers who carried out this atrocity were U.S. government agents.

Entire Article HERE
Death & Taxes, Gordon Kahl Documentary HERE

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You are too white to be American! Says Latino KKK

Maybe she doesn't own a mirror? Awfully white today aren't we?
Maybe she doesn't realize that this is the only country that when you cross it's borders illegally you don't get fined, imprisoned or killed first.
It's apparent that she needs a lesson or two in economics, sovereignty 101, and geography for dummies wouldn't hurt either...


by Michael Rivero

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was this guy named Aristotle. Pretty sharp fellow; he thought up a lot of good things. But, occasionally he made a mistake.

One mistake he made was to toss an orange up in the air and watch it come straight back down to his hand. Aristotle reasoned that if he was moving, the orange would have flown off to one side as soon as it left his hand. Because the orange did not do so, Aristotle concluded he was not moving. On the basis of this one observed fact, and the assumption that there was no other explanation for what he observed, Aristotle concluded that the Earth does not move and that therefore the rest of the universe had to move around it.

Aristotle was a very sharp guy, but the fact is that there was another explanation for why the orange fell back into his hand, and it would wait about another 2000 years before another smart man, Sir Isaac Newton, explained just what it was Aristotle had overlooked, set forth in Newton's laws of motion.

But for the early church, Aristotle's conclusions fit in rather well with their theology, which had the Earth created as the center of the universe, unmoving, with the rest of the cosmos spinning about it.

Entire Article HERE

Gulf War Syndrome, PTSD and Military Suicides: U.S. Government's Message to America’s Vets: "Drop Dead"

From 1991 to 2003, hundreds of thousands of our bravest men and women sought help from the Veterans Administration, from the Defense Department, from the White House, all to no avail. The official word was that Gulf War Syndrome did not exist. So they suffered in silence. Tens of thousands died from these conditions. Many lost their homes because of the high costs to pay for medical care themselves. Independent investigations, including those conducted by many of the Gulf War veterans themselves, showed multiple causes behind Gulf War Syndrome, including experimental vaccines, exposure to depleted uranium (DU), and toxicity from biological and chemical weapons, oil fires and other environmental contaminants.

Entire Article HERE

Obama's War on the Internet...

The Ministry of Truth was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by government to control information in his seminal novel 1984. A recent trip to Europe has convinced me that the governments of the world have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they will have a virtual monopoly on information that the public is able to access. In Italy, Germany, and Britain the anonymous internet that most Americans are still familiar with is slowly being modified. If one goes into an internet café it is now legally required in most countries in the European Union to present a government issued form of identification.

Entire Article HERE

Inflating War by Thomas DiLorenzo

“One can say without exaggeration that inflation is an indispensable means of militarism,” Ludwig von Mises wrote. “Without it, the repercussions of war on welfare become obvious much more quickly and penetratingly; war weariness would set in much earlier.”

This explains why American politicians have always resorted to the legalized counterfeiting of central banking to finance wars, the most expensive of all government programs. If citizens had a clearer picture of the true costs, they would be more inclined to oppose non-defensive intervention and to force all wars to hastier conclusions.

Entire Article HERE

Glenn Beck’s Lincoln Contradictions by Thomas DiLorenzo

I’ve been occasionally watching Glenn Beck on the Fox News Channel and think he has done an admirable job of smoking out and identifying the shockingly hardcore, radical socialists who dominate the Obama administration. He has also done a generally good job talking about the libertarian founding principles of America, how they have been lost, and our duty to regain them. But he has been absolutely abysmal when discussing the subject of Lincoln, the War to Prevent Southern Independence, and its legacy. I suspect that the reason for this disconnect with historical reality is that: 1) The Fox News Channel is essentially a propaganda arm of the neoconservative political cabal that has captured the Republican Party; 2) One of the cornerstones of neocon ideology is Lincoln idolatry and hatred of the South and Southerners. (Professor Paul Gottfried, for one, has written extensively about this.) 3) Therefore, if Glenn wants to keep his gig at Fox, he must toe the party line on Lincoln. Being otherwise libertarian – while the Democrats are in power – serves the purposes of the neocon cabal nicely.

Entire Article HERE

An Open Letter to Glenn Beck by Thomas DiLorenzo

Dear Glenn,

First of all, congratulations on deciding to become a community organizer for the cause of liberty and prosperity, as reported all over the media recently. You will be a stark contrast to the Marxist in the White House who boasts of his community organizing efforts for the exact opposite cause, ACORN-style socialism as defined by its Peoples Platform. (His nationalization of banks, General Motors, and possibly health care, and his administrations bombastic, anti-capitalist rhetoric, reminds me a lot of Lenins first months in power.)

Glenn, Im writing to offer a few suggestions with regard to your upcoming community organizing efforts, which I’m sure will attract huge media attention and could potentially be very influential. First, you really need to man up those Five Pledges of yours, especially Pledges 1 and 2. There you say you are in favor of a balanced budget, and that government should not increase the financial burden on taxpayers during difficult economic times.

Entire Article HERE

MSNBC July 15: Matt Simmons still says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles...

Time will tell!

New study documents media's servitude to government - Glenn Greenwald -

A newly released study from students at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government provides the latest evidence of how thoroughly devoted the American establishment media is to amplifying and serving (rather than checking) government officials. This new study examines how waterboarding has been discussed by America's four largest newspapers over the past 100 years, and finds that the technique, almost invariably, was unequivocally referred to as "torture" -- until the U.S. Government began openly using it and insisting that it was not torture, at which time these newspapers obediently ceased describing it that way.

Entire Article HERE

Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History

Personal income tax rates will rise. The top income tax rate will rise from 35 to 39.6 percent (this is also the rate at which two-thirds of small business profits are taxed). The lowest rate will rise from 10 to 15 percent. All the rates in between will also rise. Itemized deductions and personal exemptions will again phase out, which has the same mathematical effect as higher marginal tax rates. The full list of marginal rate hikes is below:

- The 10% bracket rises to an expanded 15%
- The 25% bracket rises to 28%
- The 28% bracket rises to 31%
- The 33% bracket rises to 36%
- The 35% bracket rises to 39.6%

Entire Article HERE

Americans may be slammed by shocking tax hike - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

After nearly a decade of federal tax cuts, Americans could awaken New Year's Day with a whopper of a hangover.

Breaks covering everything from child tax credits to the death tax are set to expire that day, less than six months from now, bringing higher payments for nearly every American who pays taxes.

"We've never in history seen anything quite like this, where such a major portion of the tax code is set to expire on a single date and affect so many Americans all at once," said Scott Hodge, president of The Tax Foundation, a Washington nonprofit that tracks tax policies.

Entire Article HERE

Ed Schultz: Borrow More Money from Bankers to Pay for Welfare

Ed Schultz of MSNBC is your garden variety liberal — or at least he plays one on TV. Ed says Congress has to demand more money be spent on unemployment and welfare otherwise the United States will become another third-world country.

“This is how third-world countries get started,” Ed bloviates as he takes Harry Reid and the Democrats to task for not demanding more money from trees — or out of thin air.

Democrats, of course, are simply sticking to the script. It’s part of the grand globalist scheme to reduce Americans to third-world peons. Democrats are on-point. Ed is the counter-point placed before a teleprompter to make things interesting.

Entire Article HERE

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Cancer-Preventing Vitamin Your Doctor Is Likely Completely Clueless About by Joseph Mercola

In this interview, Dr. Cees Vermeer, one of the world’s top vitamin K researchers discusses the importance of this largely ignored and oft-forgotten vitamin.

Vitamin K, just like vitamin D, is crucial for preventing cancer, osteoporosis, and heart disease, and nearly everyone is deficient.

YouTube Audio plus Entire Article HERE

The Marijuana Conspiracy: The Reason Hemp Is Illegal by Doug Yurchey

They say marijuana is dangerous. Pot is not harmful to the human body or mind. Marijuana does not pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people. The truth is, if marijuana was utilized for its vast array of commercial products, it would create an industrial atomic bomb! The super rich have conspired to spread misinformation about the plant that, if used properly, would ruin their companies.

Entire Article HERE

23% Say U.S. Government Has the Consent of the Governed: Rasmussen Reports

The notion that governments derive their only just authority from the consent of the governed is a foundational principle of the American experiment.

However, a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 23% of voters nationwide believe the federal government today has the consent of the governed. Sixty-two percent (62%) say it does not, and 15% are not sure.

Entire Article HERE

Economic Propaganda: Time, MSNBC, Fortune All Proclaim Commercial Real Estate Recovery

In the last few days articles have appeared at Time, MSNBC and Fortune boasting about various aspects of a brewing commercial real estate recovery. John Reeder over at warns us that this might be a reason to worry given the mainstream media’s track record of calling booms or busts at exactly the wrong times. Time’s piece appeared first. It’s an interview with Mike Kirby, chairman of Green Street Advisors, that asks if commercial real estate is bouncing back. This whole premise that commercial real estate is “the next shoe to drop” is overstated. Clearly, we have problems, since there are many mortgages out there that were underwritten using very aggressive assumptions, and those will be difficult to refinance.

Entire Article HERE

When There is No Rule of Law

By Ron Paul

Last week ended with some promising news on finally stopping the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Unfortunately, the administration still seems to believe that shutting down working oil wells is a higher priority than effectively dealing with the broken one. They are again issuing a moratorium on off-shore drilling, while maintaining a de facto ban on new permits even for shallow water drilling, which they previously stated would be unaffected. The courts have twice declared this unconstitutional, over 70 percent of the people see this as unreasonable, yet the administration seems determined to simply end off-shore drilling, at least for those producers that cannot afford to sit idle for an unknown period of time until the ban is lifted.

Entire Article HERE

When Will Unarmed Victims Get their Apology from Uncle Sam?

Two notable events occurred last month which serve as powerful “I told you so” moments for those who naively follow the gun control mantra.

The first event was the apology issued by the British Prime Minister David Cameron for the Bloody Sunday massacre of January 1972. The second event took place less than a week later when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in the McDonald v. Chicago case.

The Cameron confession was a long-overdue apology for events that occurred 38 years ago in Northern Ireland. During the Bloody Sunday massacre, British soldiers shot and killed more than a dozen Irish protesters, many of them from behind.

To compound matters, British officials engaged in an ensuing cover-up, claiming that many of the victims who were killed had guns -- when really they did not. (Photographic and forensic evidence would later confirm that these victims were, in fact, unarmed.)

On the other side of the Atlantic, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 28 that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms applies to individuals all across the country and not just in places like Washington, D.C.

Entire Article HERE

Rosalind Peterson -- Genetically Modified Foods and Toxic Chemicals

...Are finding their way to your food table thanks to the Government

Genetically Modified foods and toxic chemicals are finding their way into the food you eat and other products at an alarming rate. The United States Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.), the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.), and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (U.S. D.H.H.S.), are allowing genetically modified food and other products to be approved without considering or even knowing their negative impacts on human health, pollinators, the very food chain that we depend upon, and other key agriculture and climate issues.

Entire Article HERE

Empty Store Shelves Coming to America

Don't think it can happen here?
It can, has, and will again.
We are not immune to the ill's of the world, those who believe we are will be first in line, whatever line that may be!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Trailer)

Who doesn't believe in the agenda driven science of global warming and it's wile side kick, carbon dioxide?

Watch Entire Documentary HERE

Who repealed the Glass-Steagall Act?

Who or what is a Glass-Steagall? For those who don't know, now is as good a time as any to find out. Especially since it's demise there's been a profound economic effect on all of our lives and probably will for years to come.

Feds 'Disappear' Edgar Steele - Mystery Deepens

Controversial Patriot writer and lawyer Edgar J. Steele, already jailed on suspicious charges that he tried to kill his wife with a pipe bomb, has been mysteriously removed from from a Spokane, Washington detention facility and taken to an undisclosed location, according to close friends of the Steele family.

In a letter to his friend Ingri Cassell, Steele wrote that the charges of attempted murder are preposterous and blamed his hired handyman - Larry Fairfax, a known FBI informant - for trying to cover up his own theft of silver bullion from Steele's property by trying to kill both Steele and his wife.
Entire Article HERE

John McCain ditches his liberal past and turns hard right

When does being a maverick turn into a shameless flip-flopper? Pretty much about now, according to many observers of the long and storied political career of former Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

McCain, pictured, is now caught in one of the toughest political fights of his life, facing off in a primary fight against the Tea Party-style challenger JD Hayworth. And he is doing it in Arizona, which has just passed a strict anti-illegal immigrant law so controversial the White House is taking it to court.

Entire Article HERE

How Easy It Is For Peaceful People to Violate the Patriot Act and Face 15 Years in Jail

Last month, the Supreme Court exposed Americans to jail sentences of up to 15 years just for giving advice to groups the U.S. government considers untouchable. In Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project, the court ruled that the USA Patriot Act's expanded definition of “material support” for “foreign terrorist organizations” passes Constitutional muster. The broad wording of the statute not only makes it a crime to support violent activities, but also prohibits Americans from offering "services" or "training, expert advice or assistance" to any entity designated as a terrorist group.

Providing weapons, materials or know-how that might help terrorists commit violent acts has long been a crime, but it was only with the rushed passage of the Patriot Act just weeks following the 9/11 attacks that “expert advice or assistance” was added to the definition of “material support.”

Entire Article HERE

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Real Tea Party Begins Here!

A nine minute history lesson on where we began and how we got to where we are today, fiscally speaking. In our lifetime we are going to be forced to take a long hard look at the "fractional reserve" banking system in which we, as a country, are forced to participate in.
When we begin to understand the system and it's negative implications, then and only then, can we restore and support banks that strengthen our country instead of aiding & abetting in the transfer of our wealth abroad.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ending the Propagandocracy by Returning to Reason, Ethics and Truth « PEACE BY TRUTH

What we believe in the western world to be our democracy has turned into something wholly different, since the point where we turned away from the path of reason, ethics and truth.

Rather than a democracy, the system we now have in the western world might be called a “propagandocracy”.

It is through the power of deceptive manipulation that we are ruled by an arrogant elitist plutocracy, one that has lost an understanding of basic ethics, a respect for honesty and truth, and a sense of compassion. And although this plutocratic ruling class sees itself as the intellectual elite, it has, in reality, also lost most of its capacity for reason.

But this loss of reasoning capacity doesn´t only afflict western society´s elite; it has spread down through all levels of western society.

Reason, true reason, in our relationship to others means to consider the other person (or the other group of people, the other nation, the other religion) which we encounter in life as an equal partner in these encounters, and to consider the other´s interests to be as valid as our own.

In the long run, this is the only way to live in peace with others. Democracy can´t thrive without this kind of reason.

Entire Article HERE Obama's "Fundamental Transformation" means Total Annihilation

Defined as “betrayal of country--violation of the allegiance owed by somebody to his or her own country, e.g. by aiding an enemy,” virtually everything The Obama has done and is doing is called treason. And, as Obama still maintains he is a natural-born US citizen, what he has effected is also High Treason--defined as “treason perpetrated by somebody against his or her own country.” In order to gain some semblance of what the Dictator-and-Destroyer-in-Chief has done and is continuing to do in his “fundamental transformation” of the United States of America, a partial and I believe actionable list includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Entire Article

The Truth About Sunlight, Cancer and Vitamin D -

Does sunlight cause skin cancer or does sunlight prevent skin cancer? *How does sunbathing give you the so-called red neck? * Is tanning booth bad for you or does it help your body to generate Vitamin D under certain circumstances? (And what are the circumstances?) *What is the relationship between nutrition, Vitamin D and cancer? This is a video that reveals the truth about Vitamin D, sunlight and cancer. Find out more with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, in this 23-minute video at

Watch Video HERE

Friday, July 9, 2010


This week, CIA director Leon Panetta, admitted there has been no information on Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts since “the early 2000′s.” During briefings with the directors of Paksitan’s information and intelligence agencies it was confirmed that Osama bin Laden had been killed, as stated by Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, in 2001. “Informed sources,” senior Pakistani commanders who worked with the CIA and bin Laden against the Soviets back in the 1980s, had confirmed Osama bin Laden’s death, as reported in the mainstream Islamic news, as having occurred on December 15, 2001. Confirmations this week by CIA Director Panetta that Al Qaeda strength is negligible is preparation for a accompanying “sea change” in the US approach toward ending the conflict in Afghanistan.

Entire Article HERE

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab

Lied To Again, That's OK We're Used to It...
Let's Spill Some More American Blood Over A Lie


Wall Street banks have been saved from bankruptcy by governments that are now going bankrupt themselves; but the banks are not returning the favor. Instead, they are engaged in a class war, insisting that the squeezed middle class be even further squeezed to balance over-stressed government budgets. All the perks are going to Wall Street, while Main Street slips into debt slavery. Wall Street needs to be made to pay its fair share, but how?

The financial reform bill agreed to on June 25 may have carved out some protections for consumers, but for Goldman Sachs and the derivatives lobby, the bill was a clear win, leaving the Wall Street gambling business intact. In a June 25 Newsweek article titled “Financial Reform Makes Biggest Banks Stronger,” Michael Hirsh wrote that the bill “effectively anoints the existing banking elite. The bill makes it likely that they will be the future giants of banking as well.”

Entire Article HERE

Eliot Spitzer Takes On The Fed - MSNBC w/ Dylan Ratigan (7/24/09)

More Pieces Of The Puzzle...


Waves of immigrants are now pouring over the Mexican border into the United States in search of work, precipitating an illegal alien crisis for Americans. Vigilante border patrols view these immigrants as potential terrorists, but in fact they are refugees from an economic war that has deprived them of their own property and forced them into debt bondage to a private global banking cartel. When Mexico was conquered in 1520, the mighty Aztec empire was ruled by the unsuspecting, hospitable Montezuma. The Spanish General Cortes, propelled by the lure of gold, conquered by warfare, violence and genocide. When Mexico fell again in the twentieth century, it was to a more covert form of aggression, one involving a drastic devaluation of its national currency.

Entire Article HERE

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

'Israel practices new Lebanon war'

Israel troops are conducting military drills to get prepared for being deployed in Lebanon, in a move Tel Aviv says is aimed at preventing "rocket attacks by Hezbollah," Israeli sources say.

Israel is conducting drills at its Elyakim training base, near Haifa, to simulate attacks on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, Haaretz reported.

An Israeli colonel told Haaretz that the US military officers had advised Israel to deploy its soldiers in Lebanon during the 33-day war in 2006, hinting that Israel will do so in any offensive on Lebanon in the future.

Entire Article HERE


Hart, who got to know Yasser Arafat and Golda Meir while serving as a Security Council-briefed Mideast peace negotiator, said that he has been assured by a top-level demolitions/engineering expert who wishes to remain anonymous that the three World Trade Center skyscrapers were destroyed by controlled demolitions, not plane crashes and fires. (For the names of more than 1000 experts willing to go on the record with the same opinion, see

During the hour-long interview, Hart discussed Israel’s record of engaging in outrageous attacks on friend and foe alike, and spreading even more outrageous lies to cover them up. (Around the midpoint of the show he explained the real reason Israel attacked the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967.)

Entire Article & Audio HERE

Thaddeus Russell: Does U.S. Support for Israel Threaten American Safety? - The Daily Beast

Israel just announced it has loosened Gaza blockade rules to allow in consumer goods and Turkey is demanding an apology for the flotilla raid. As Obama and Netanyahu await tomorrow's meeting, historian Thaddeus Russell argues that it's time to ask if the country makes Americans safer—even if the answer makes everyone very uncomfortable.

Entire Article HERE

Why people think Americans are stupid & arrogant

if you luv you some rednecks, yur gunna luv dis movie pictur...


It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.

Entire Article & Video HERE - Former Rep. Traficant Disqualified From Comeback Bid for Office

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio -- Former Ohio U.S. Rep. James Traficant has been disqualified in his bid to return to Congress after seven years in prison because he did not turn in enough valid petition signatures to make the fall ballot, a county elections official said Tuesday.

The colorful Traficant, who represented the Youngstown area of northeast Ohio as a Democrat in Congress for nearly two decades before being convicted in a corruption case, plans to appeal, an adviser said.

Entire Article HERE

Feds sue to overturn Arizona immigration law -

Washington (CNN) -- The Justice Department on Tuesday weighed in on one of the most explosive issues in American politics, filing a lawsuit to overturn a tough new Arizona immigration law that has sharply divided people along partisan, ideological and ethnic lines.

It also asked the federal courts to grant an injunction to stop enforcement of the measure before it takes effect late this month.

Arizona's law requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and allows police to question the residency status of people in the course of enforcing another law. It also targets businesses that hire illegal immigrant laborers or knowingly transport them.

Entire Article & Video HERE

The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Type the keywords “Internet censorship” into Google News and you will immediately understand to what degree the world wide web is under assault from attempts by governments globally to regulate and stifle free speech. From Australia to Belarus, from Turkey to Vietnam, from Pakistan to Egypt, from Afghanistan to Iran, huge chunks of the Internet are going dark as the Chinese model of Internet regulation is adopted worldwide.

But why should Americans concern themselves with countries halfway across the globe adopting Chinese-style net censorship? Because under Senator Joe Lieberman’s 197-page Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, the United States would formally mimic China’s “great firewall” of web censorship.

Entire Article HERE
Forget Pot Smokers; What Does It Take to Lock Up Drug Company Execs? -

A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals the shocking extent of how corrupt drug companies are.

"Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through." - Jonathan Swift

After reading "The Neurontin Legacy -- Marketing through Misinformation and Manipulation" in the January 8, 2009 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, one may conclude that (1) America's prisons would be put to better use incarcerating drug company executives instead of pot smokers, and (2) society may need a return of public scorn via the pillory for those doctors who are essentially drug-company shills.Drug-company corruption of American medicine is of course not news. What is news is that such corruption has become so egregious, so transparent, and so embarrassing that the New England Journal of Medicine, perhaps the most influential American medical journal, is now stating that "drastic action is essential to preserve the integrity of medical science and practice and to justify public trust."

Entire Article HERE

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


If half the States in the Union established a bank similar to Bank of North Dakota's blue print, the Federal Reserve would be overly exposed for what they are, a fraud and a tool used to enslave the American people.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Israeli Nuclear Espionage: The Art of Keeping America at Risk for Fun and Profit | Intifada Palestine

This week, newspapers around the world received reports and signed documents from South Africa. The reports said that, in 1975, Israel agreed to sell South Africa nuclear weapons. South Africa then released an arms agreement signed by current Israeli President Shimon Peres. This is the document “heard round the world.”

Meetings are being held in New York to set up a conference for 2012 to guarantee that the Middle East is nuclear free. Israel has been informed that it will not be able to hide behind denials and that the nuclear arsenal put on the sale block by Israel in 1975, and nobody knows how many times since, has to go. When Israel was finally caught, it changed at least one part of a game, but the game will go on.

What does it mean?

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Guess Who Wants to Kill the Internet? | Intifada Palestine

It would be hard to think of anyone who has done more to undermine American freedoms than Joseph Lieberman.

Since 9/11, the Independent senator from Connecticut has introduced a raft of legislation in the name of the “global war on terror” which has steadily eroded constitutional rights. If the United States looks increasingly like a police state, Senator Lieberman has to take much of the credit for it.

On October 11, 2001, exactly one month after 9/11, Lieberman introduced S. 1534, a bill to establish a Department of Homeland Security. Since then, he has been the main mover behind such draconian legislation as the Protect American Act of 2007, the Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention and Prosecution Act of 2010, and the proposed Terrorist Expatriation Act, which would revoke the citizenship of Americans suspected of terrorism. And now the senator from Connecticut wants to Kill the Internet.

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The Associated Press: Calif. state workers brace for minimum wage

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Some California state workers are preparing to tap into their savings while others already are cutting expenses as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's minimum wage order moved one step closer to reality.

On Friday, the Schwarzenegger administration won an appellate court ruling saying it has the authority to impose the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour on more than 200,000 state workers as California wrestles with its latest budget crisis. It was not immediately clear if the state controller, who cuts state paychecks on a decades-old payroll system, will comply. The office says its computers are unable to make the change until an upgrade is completed in two years.

The effect, however, was chilling for state government workers, many of whom say they have to prepare as if the pay cut will happen.

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Friday, July 2, 2010

Make Mine Freedom ~ 1948

This CARTOON is just as much fun & educational for adults as it is for kids. It is a great Constitutional refresher, for those who like a light hearted approach to politics.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

MSNBC’s Ratigan: Stock market an ‘obviously corrupt’ fraud | Raw Story

On his afternoon show Tuesday, MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan explained why he believes the usual explanations given in the media for why the stock market went up or down on a given day are nonsense.

"Seventy percent of the volume [of trades on the stock market] is computers that are run by the banks playing ping pong with stocks for 10 seconds at at time," Ratigan said.

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George Carlin ~ The American Dream

George Carlin with his meek and mild demeanor explains what most Americans should already know, that our Government thinks we're the greatest, right? Wrong...

Coined Liberty by Scott Rentschler

In the last chapter of The Dollar Meltdown, Charles Goyette makes a fascinating observation about what has been depicted on American coins over the years:

America's earliest coins portrayed Liberty. Not rulers and politicians. Just Liberty. A symbolic representation of the country's highest ideal. In the beginning Americans had an affair of the heart with Liberty. She was their muse and they were aflame in their love for her. They talked about her everywhere, in their churches and taverns and town squares. But she hasn't appeared on our circulation coinage for more than sixty years, not since the beautiful "Walking Liberty" half-dollar. It represented Liberty striding gracefully into the rising sun of the future, arm extended in peace and carrying a bounty of riches. It was a beautiful representation, well chosen, because abundance accompanies Liberty wherever she goes. Our devotion to her would be no less if it were not true, but it is one of her secrets: Liberty creates prosperity.

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Are You a Cookie Thief?

SB 1070 Another Perspective

We, as a people, have grown so ignorant that we are unable "to see the forest for the trees." As an American citizen, I know that the illegal alien is not my enemy, save the drug cartels. As a white American citizen, members of the brown race from Mexico are not my enemy either. We have become so dumbed down in this country that we are unable to distinguish friend from foe.
Through some very clever mainstream media manipulation, we are kept busy fighting amongst each other over issues like immigration, while our real enemies, the global elite, are stealing our money and our liberties right out from under our noses.

Read Entire Article HERE

Health Care Freedom Act – Tenth Amendment Center

Health Care Freedom Act

A reading of the Constitution through the original understanding of the Founders and Ratifiers makes it quite clear that any national health care plan, or national public option, is not something that was delegated by the People to the Federal Government in the Constitution.

However, the courts, politicians and many commentators have interpreted (and re-interpreted) the Commerce Clause, the general Welfare Clause and Necessary and Proper Clause in ways not intended by the Founders so as to justify such programs under the Constitution. They are most certainly wrong.

The Health Care Freedom Act is considered in states as either a bill or a state constitutional amendment – effectively prohibiting the enactment of any new government-run healthcare programs within the state.

While many of the bills have language similar to true nullification legislation, many of them are promoted solely as a vehicle to drive a federal court battle – which is not nullification in its true sense.

CLICK HERE – for information on the “Federal Health Care Nullification Act” which directly nullifies the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” signed into law by Barack Obama on 03-23-10.