Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Heartburn, Indigestion, Genetically Modified Foods and Your Microwave - 12160.org

I wrote this in response to the blog regarding big pharma drugs Nexium and Prilosec. I realized that this is an important issue and would benefit from as many responses as possible. Most of us have familes and would never want to see harm come to them. But the truth is they are being harmed without our knowledge or consent. Seed producers, like Monsanto, are ruining the agriculture industry , forcing smaller farms to buy their genetically modified seed out of fear of being sued should some of Monsanto's seed be blown into or carried by birds from one field to another. We as Americans should be able to buy vegetables and products which will keep us healthy and help our children to grow (at normal rates). We do not want or need antibiotics in our milk , cheese, chicken, beef. To keep food safer, the ways in which these big companies do business needs to change.

Continued at

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