Tuesday, June 1, 2010

AZ "Proposition 100", A Penny For Your Thoughts

Since today, June 1st , is the first day we will have to start charging our customers an extra 1% (over & above the normal sales tax) on goods & services because of the passage of prop 100, I feel it would be more than appropriate to state a few items.

Two thirds of the AZ voters once again fell for the rhetoric or, dare I say fear mongering, presented by the “yes” camp that our streets won’t be as safe, our firemen will be ill-equipped to fight fires, and our children will again, be deprived of an education.

As long as I have been of age to vote that’s been the "Tri"- tactic used to pass propositions of any monetary significance. It's always "Law enforcement, Fire & the Children". Did you know that the “yes” camp had over $2,000,000.00 in their purse while the main organized “no” camp spent less than $1500.00? Money wins again!

Why so much money & from who? Is it really going where they say it’s going? "But it’s only for 3 years, really", they say. Many of the taxes we still pay today were proposed under the premise of a “temporary tax”! I will gladly eat those words in three years if it times out on May 31, 2013, but on the other hand I won’t let you forget if it doesn’t.

Solutions in times like these are difficult, sacrifices in many areas are essential. Very little was cut and some couldn’t be cut simply because the Legislature can’t cut past year(s) voter approved propositions. Yes, that’s right, past referendums which were approved by using that confounded "Tri"-tactic approach which are more likely than not, frivolous slush funds going everywhere but to "Law enforcement, Fire & the Children".

So, our politicians too afraid to cut any social programs for fear of losing votes, belly up to the "tax payer" bar once again. See the pattern of our elected so-called “officials”, the M.O. of how the game is played? It’s about bleeding us dry, don't they realize that we are at our tipping point, there are more people working for tax payer dollars than people paying taxes.

Money has to be there for these services, with that comes accountability & responsibility, starting, but not ending with, our elected "representatives".

We have to change our thinking instead of letting our elected “representatives” capture our thought process via FEAR.

We've been bamboozled again!

And, along came a proposition!

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday I was figuring the tax for Queen Creek and it came to a combined total for state and city of 9.95%! I can't believe we are getting ready to go into the double digits in taxes! Why are so few of us sick to our stomachs?
