Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Despised State of Israel Cannot Survive for Long: Christopher Bollyn | FPJ

Christopher Bollyn is an American journalist and researcher. He is widely known for his extensive research on the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that cost the lives of 2,976 victims and left more than 6,000 injured. The U.S. government under former President George W. Bush blamed the terrorist group Al-Qaida as the main culprit of the attacks and adopted an aggressive policy towards Muslim nations. It also enacted the USA PATRIOT Act and issued an illegal order to search and investigate the telephone and email communications of the U.S. citizens under the pretext of discovering and mapping out possible threats to U.S. national security. Bollyn has written on U.S.–Israel relations comprehensively and believes that a powerful corporate cartel of Zionists control and mastermind large-scale U.S. foreign policy.

Read Entire Article HERE

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