Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hyperinflation and Unemployment Two Signs of Serious Trouble

09/15/10 Paris, France –

The big news from yesterday was the rise in the price of gold. It went up $24 to a new all-time high. The stock market was just about flat.

What does it mean?

Well, the dollar is going down, for one thing. Bonds too. Has the long-awaited turnaround in the bond market finally begun? We don’t know. We really didn’t expect it so soon.

John Williams, who keeps track of what is really going on in the economy at his “ShadowStats” outfit, says to expect hyperinflation within 6 to 9 months.

Seems too early to us.

But a major turn in the bond market…and much higher inflation rates…are coming. And you don’t want to be holding US bonds…or muni bonds…or any kind of bonds when they arrive.

What then?

Cash and gold. Those are the only reasonably safe positions now. Your gold will go up. Your cash will go down. You’ll come out even. That will be a lot better than most people.

Entire Article HERE

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