Monday, September 20, 2010

General Patton Discovered the Truth

Adam Austin � Subverted Nation September 17, 2010

George Patton was a highly decorated war hero from WWII who led the Third Army to victory in many campaigns. After the war, General Patton was tasked with control of the larger portion of American occupied Germany, and his job was to dole out justice to the newly defeated enemy. It was the summer of 1945, and after the end of the fighting, General Patton started to get a grip on what had really transpired around him.

As General Patton started to actually become acquainted with the defeated Germans and America�s Soviet allies, Patton finally realized what he was in the midst of, and his opinions about the war, and both our enemies and allies changed drastically. What Patton realized was recorded in his diary, and in letters to everyone from his family and friends, to other military and government personnel.

It�s a good thing that these writings were preserved, so that we could see how even America�s �most fightingest General� knew that something was wrong with the outcome of WWII. In those writings it is clear that Patton realized that these new �allies� of ours were more of a danger than the Germans ever were. I only wish that Patton were still alive today to see with the hindsight that is available to us now. We can only wish that Patton would have known then what many of us know now about the dangers of jew Bolshevik communists, but Patton quickly caught on that something was a miss when the war ended.

Patton was not only labeled the �fightingest� General in the American Army, he was the Army�s youngest ever �Master of the Sword� and redesigned the sword carried by Army personnel, which became known as the Patton saber. Patton was also an Olympic athlete who competed in pistol shooting, running, equestrian, and swimming events. To top it all off, George Patton was a valiant fighter, and a pioneer of armored warfare, who made numerous improvements to tank warfare in the form of communications, tank movements, etc.

The rest of this article is a summary compiled by someone else from a book called the Patton Papers, published in 1947, which contained the diary entries, letters, and other writings. What follows from this point on is not my own writing, but is recorded here in fair use for readers of SN to get a good glimpse of how even those who are duped by the jewish war machine can come to see the truth about world events.

It also goes to show that many of those who fought for the jews, never quite knew what it was they were doing until it was too late. General Patton discovered the truth, and for that, he paid with his life. This is real history, and this we shall NEVER FORGET.

Entire Article HERE

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