Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ron Pauls Home School High School Curriculum--By Far The Best Curriculum, at the Right Price: Free!

Ron Paul's home school curriculum is going to be popular. His ideas appeal to home school parents. This curriculum reinforces their outlook.

GOVERNMENT. Most states require a course in civics. There is nothing to match this. It begins in the junior year. There is an elective senior course.

The Law. This is a first-semester course on the law. Textbook: Bastiat's The Law. This is a series of readings on the theory of limited civil government. It includes primary source documents and articles from The Freeman and

U.S. Constitution. This is a second-semester course. It is taken simultaneously with the American history course. It shows what the Framers' goals were for the Constitution: limited government. It covers the anti-Federalists, who warned of political centralization and loss of liberty. It shows how the Supreme Court hijacked the Constitution in 1803 with Marbury vs. Madison: the doctrine of judicial review, which the Framers had not foreseen. It also shows how Presidents centralized power, how Congress centralized power, and why voters promoted both. Textbook: The Revolution: A Manifesto.

Imagine the possible outcome?

Entire Article HERE

Also read The Ron Paul Curriculum: A New Way to Educate Americans Free of Charge by Gary North

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