Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Prisons Are Becoming Big Business

By Cliff Montgomery - May 9th, 2010

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) last month released a study entitled,
Economic Impacts of
Prison Growth
. Its essential findings were telling:

A.) America now has a staggering number of its people behind bars--there's been a "a more than 400% jump
in the prison population and a corresponding boom in prison construction" over the last few decades.

"Globally, the United States has 5% of the world’s population but 25% of its prisoners," reveals the CRS study.

This matter not only raises questions in its own right, but the incarceration surge also is breaking the budgets
of numerous U.S. states.

B.) Modern prisons often are run by private corporations, which means that keeping Americans and others
behind bars has been turned into a very big business.

Entire Article HERE

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