Sunday, August 29, 2010

US exit from Iraq is a phoney withdrawal

The last US combat brigade in Iraq has left the country, seven years after the US-led invasion. Martin Chulov was there to witness the process for the Guardian and he describes the marked difference between the "shock and awe" US entry into Iraq with its silent, somewhat depressive, trickle out.

Thdia and commentators alike have hailed the so-called US withdrawal as the end of the US in Iraq. It is, however, no withdrawal – combat or otherwise – no matter how many times you call it that.

Fifty thousand US troops will stay in Iraq until 2011, down from 96,000, ostensibly to play a supporting role and advise Iraqi forces. That is, however, 50,000 armed US troops, backed up by major military hardware and artillery and who will operate in "self-defence" and could intervene in armed combat at the request of the Iraqi government.

Entire Article HERE

Chernobyl Decay and Deformed

WARNING! This video is graphic

Ground Zero Mosque, Imam, Is Globalist Stooge

Ground Zero Mosque Imam Is Globalist Stooge 200810ImamThe Imam of the now infamous “ground zero mosque” is a member of the ultra elitist Council On Foreign Relations and receives financial backing from powerful globalist sources including the Rockefellers, the Carnegie Corporation and the Ford Foundation.

This information provides a compelling backdrop to the theory that the move to establish the mosque is a deliberate attempt to further stoke religious tensions and divert attention away from the real enemy of free humanity, the corporate globalist elite who continue to profit from global war and division.

Entire Article HERE

BBC now admits al qaeda never existed

We are mislead to believe that ententes that don't exist DO and ententes that do exist DON'T!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sun storm to hit with 'force of 100m bombs' |

AFTER 10 years of comparative slumber, the sun is waking up - and it's got astronomers on full alert.

This week several US media outlets reported that NASA was warning the massive flare that caused spectacular light shows on Earth earlier this month was just a precursor to a massive solar storm building that had the potential to wipe out the entire planet's power grid.

NASA has since rebutted those reports, saying it could come "100 years away or just 100 days", but an Australian astronomer says the space community is betting on the sooner scenario rather than the latter.

Despite its rebuttal, NASA's been watching out for this storm since 2006 and reports from the US this week claim the storms could hit on that most Hollywood of disaster dates - 2012.

Similar storms back in 1859 and 1921 caused worldwide chaos, wiping out telegraph wires on a massive scale.

The 2012 storm has the potential to be even more disruptive.

"The general consensus among general astronomers (and certainly solar astronomers) is that this coming Solar maximum (2012 but possibly later into 2013) will be the most violent in 100 years," astronomy lecturer and columnist Dave Reneke said.

"A bold statement and one taken seriously by those it will affect most, namely airline companies, communications companies and anyone working with modern GPS systems.

"They can even trip circuit breakers and knock out orbiting satellites, as has already been done this year."

Regardless, the point astronomers are making is it doesn't matter if the next Solar Max isn't the worst in history, or even as bad as the 1859 storms.

Entire Article HERE

Neithercorp Press» Blog Archive » Relax America, The Global Elites Love You…

For the past several decades, those of us who have been aware of the smoke and mirrors and refuse to ignore their effects have paid a dear price; the anguish of witnessing the deconstruction of our nation, as well as the infantization of our friends and family.

When I was very young, I had certain assumptions about the path to adulthood. I believed that it was a transition that came as naturally to every person as walking or talking. Surely, I thought, there simply came a time when a man crossed a biological threshold that made him more responsible, more principled, more intuitive, more courageous, more compassionate, more wise. Now that I am much older, I find to my disappointment that wisdom does not necessarily come with age. Some people choose to remain children forever.

In a society driven by a fabricated sense of affluence, Americans have lost the memory of what it was like to deliberately build their futures. The concept of debt creation, mass credit movements, free money bonanzas, facilitated by the policies of the private Federal Reserve, made overgrown babies out of us all. We came to demand a pre-constructed future, one in which we were entitled to whatever we wanted NOW, not later. We never earned the engineered prosperity we have enjoyed since the baby-boom of the 1950’s, and so we never learned to appreciate what true prosperity actually was; that it requires effort, and sometimes sacrifice. We merely expected that this was the way things were supposed to be, and that they would never change…

Infantized people are driven by a desperate search for ways to offload the responsibilities they inherit when they are forced to set off on their own lives. The idea of ‘struggle’ is abhorrent to them. As a result, they gravitate towards environments in which centralized authorities offer them the chance to simplify their existence in an ultimate sense. Essentially, like the children that they are, they look for a government which is willing to assume the role of ‘parent’ or legal guardian. They believe that out there, somewhere, a government system exists that is capable of cradling them in a blanket of pure safety and contentment from birth until death; a mother government. They believe in a ruling class that loves them unconditionally. They must! Why else would they blindly leave their fates in the hands of global bankers who now run both major parties of our political dynamic, dominate the ebb and flow of our economy, and write domestic policy? Why else would they ignore the signs of crisis that are ripping through the veil all around them? They must trust the Elites complicitly.

Many of us, when we were children, could not wait to take charge of our own lives without the constant prying eyes and prattling of our elders. Sometimes we forget that being a child can be carefree, but it also means doing what you are told. So, what price will the perpetual children of our society have to pay to be included in the feudal nanny state lifestyle of what globalist bankers and aristocrats commonly call the “New World Order”?

Entire Article HERE

Adnan Shukrijumah: New Al Qaeda leader -- from Brooklyn and Miami

Another term is “branding.” This is what was done with Osama bin Laden, a former CIA operative and minor player in Afghanistan during the 1980s. He was branded as a terrorist mastermind, blamed for 9/11 though there isn’t a single shred of proof of his involvement and has been chased around the world for the last nine years though he may, according to unconfirmed reports, have been dead since December 2001. Adnan Shukrijumah, or whoever he really is, may well be the next “patsy” blamed for a “much too convenient” terror attack meant to send the United States to war with Iran, another war fought for Israeli business.
This is the reason an FBI agent’s uncontrolled blithering to an AP reporter is now in hundreds of newspapers as the branding of a new leader of a non-existent terrorist organization. It is also the reason we are likely to see a new terrorist attack in the United States after Labor Day. Attacks are time for news cycles. Check on that. We can expect one in September and another one around Christmas with one more on the run up to Easter.

Entire Article HERE

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pharma Rep Confession

'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Helped FBI With Counterterrorism Efforts

In March 2003, federal officials were being criticized for disrespecting the rights of Arab-Americans in their efforts to crack down on domestic security threats in the post-9/11 environment. Hoping to calm the growing tempers, FBI officials in New York hosted a forum on ways to deal with Muslim and Arab-Americans without exacerbating social tensions. The bureau wanted to provide agents with "a clear picture," said Kevin Donovan, director of the FBI's New York office.

Brought in to speak that morning -- at the office building located just blocks from Ground Zero -- was one of the city's most respected Muslim voices: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. The imam offered what was for him a familiar sermon to those in attendance. "Islamic extremism for the majority of Muslims is an oxymoron," he said. "It is a fundamental contradiction in terms."

It was, by contemporaneous news accounts, a successful lecture.

Flash forward six-and-a-half years, and Feisal Abdul Rauf occupies a far different place in the political consciousness. The imam behind a controversial proposal to build an Islamic cultural center near those same FBI offices has been called "a radical Muslim," a "militant Islamist" and, simply, the "enemy" by conservative critics. His Cordoba House project, meanwhile, has been framed as a conduit for Hamas to funnel money to domestic terrorist operations.

Entire Article HERE,scroll down page for article


Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United States last week was capped off today with the broadcast of a previously-taped interview on Fox New Sunday. The interview covered a range of important topics, including the state of the U.S.-Israel relationship and prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace. But it is the Prime Minister’s remarks on Iran that deserve special attention—for these remarks suggest that Netanyahu is embarked on an extremely dangerous course.

Netanyahu is pushing the United States to take eventual military action against Iran—a confrontation that would have predictably disastrous consequences for U.S. interests and regional stability, and for which Israel and the pro-Likud community in the United States will be blamed, because they will have led the charge to war.

Such a scenario would be far more damaging to Israel and the American Jewish community than anything Iran might conceivably do.

Three points regarding Iran from Netanyahu’s interview with Fox News Sunday warrant particular attention.

Entire Article HERE



There never were plans for a mosque at “ground zero.” The entire story is made up by a public relations agency working with the Israeli government and the GOP. There are plans for an Islamic center in an old Burlington Coat Factory store blocks away. That far down the island of Manhattan, a couple blocks away is “across town.” The idea that Israel is financing the “Ground Zero Mosque” controversy when Mossad agents were arrested, dancing in the streets on 9/11, is an obscenity.

Let’s get some facts straight. Since 2001 alot has happened, none of it reported widely in the press. It has been categorically proven that the supposed hijackers could never have flown any of the planes on 9/11. Start with a reality check. This is why “9/11″ as people are still being misinformed simply never happened:

Entire Article HERE

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Brief History of Silver and Silver Colloids in Medicine by John Hill

Silver has been used as a medicine and preservative by many cultures throughout history. The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and others used silver vessels for water and other liquids to keep them fresh. Pioneers trekking across the Wild West generations ago faced many hardships. Keeping safe drinking water was one of them. Bacteria, algae, etc. found a fertile breeding ground in the wooden water casks that were carried on the wagons. They placed silver and copper coins in the casks to retard the growth of these spoilage organisms. They also put silver dollars in their milk to keep it fresh.

Entire Article HERE

The Purpose Behind Engineered Economic Collapse

Everyone loves money. Even people like myself who abhor the abuse of money and commerce, who understand the fraudulent nature of the system we live in, still work hard and save so that we might attain a sense of stability within that system. Many people see money as a focal point to their existence. But is it really money that they are after, or is it something else entirely? In truth, money represents 'security' in the minds of the masses. Money affords us the ability to survive, and the more of it we have, the safer we all feel. Because we subconsciously associate the extension of our very life with the variable health of the economic structure in which we live, we tend to become unwitting devotees to its continued existence, even if it is corrupt and condemned to failure. We gullibly deny the system or the currency that supports it is doomed to the contrary of all evidence because, even though it has beaten us bloody, we have never known anything else.

In light of this entrenched way of perceiving things, especially in the U.S., it is difficult enough to convince some people that the economy is in fact not providing the security they desire, but is actually destroying their future completely. To explain to them that this is deliberate, that the economy is designed to self-destruct, that is another prospect altogether.

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The most spectacular episode of Truman’s presidency will never be forgotten, but will be forever linked to his name: the atomic bombings of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and of Nagasaki three days later. Probably around two hundred thousand persons were killed in the attacks and through radiation poisoning; the vast majority were civilians, including several thousand Korean workers. Twelve U.S. Navy fliers incarcerated in a Hiroshima jail were also among the dead.87

Great controversy has always surrounded the bombings. One thing Truman insisted on from the start: The decision to use the bombs, and the responsibility it entailed, was his. Over the years, he gave different, and contradictory, grounds for his decision. Sometimes he implied that he had acted simply out of revenge. To a clergyman who criticized him, Truman responded, testily:

Nobody is more disturbed over the use of Atomic bombs than I am but I was greatly disturbed over the unwarranted attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor and their murder of our prisoners of war. The only language they seem to understand is the one we have been using to bombard them.

Entire Article HERE
Money As Debt

This is an informative video about money, hard currency, banking & debt. Another piece of the puzzle on how we got where we're at. If you have 48 minutes it's a great lesson.

"Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us"

Where are the Bill of Rights shredding, Illegal Wire Tapping, Drunken Sailor Spending, Neo-Conservatives in this video?
If the Oligarchy succeeds in keeping us divided we will lose our Republic!
Both Parties are to blame

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Post-Anti-Americanism: Europe Can’t Even Be Bothered To Hate America Any More | PoliticalArticles.NET

You can still buy an American newspaper at the kiosk in Rome’s Piazza Colonna, but you have to ask the lady behind the counter. She turns from the window, paws through a stack on the floor, and produces an International Herald Tribune, holding it at arm’s length like a day-old fish. It’s the same availability and tone in Venice, the Greek islands, and Istanbul. The implicit question in the transaction is always the same: why would you want to read that thing about that place at this time?

And when you read about America in European newspapers, what you are likely to find is a tone bordering on pity. The U.S. is depicted as a fraying empire of obesity, ignorance, debt, gridlock, stagnation, and mindless war. Sure, the iPad is cool, but it is evidence of what America was, not what it will be again. The stories are not angry, accusatory, or even ideological. It’s worse: they are condescendingly elegiac.

Entire Article HERE

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

israel in 3 minutes

Do your own research!!!

Everything You Know is a Lie:The Media's Affect on Our Lives

Prisons Are Becoming Big Business

By Cliff Montgomery - May 9th, 2010

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) last month released a study entitled,
Economic Impacts of
Prison Growth
. Its essential findings were telling:

A.) America now has a staggering number of its people behind bars--there's been a "a more than 400% jump
in the prison population and a corresponding boom in prison construction" over the last few decades.

"Globally, the United States has 5% of the world’s population but 25% of its prisoners," reveals the CRS study.

This matter not only raises questions in its own right, but the incarceration surge also is breaking the budgets
of numerous U.S. states.

B.) Modern prisons often are run by private corporations, which means that keeping Americans and others
behind bars has been turned into a very big business.

Entire Article HERE

Intelligence vs Intelligence Prophets vs Profits.

The constitution, and the bill of rights were designed to protect Americans from evil leaders within our government and our borders. This was its design and intent. To protect us from evil leaders outside our government and our borders we have our military and military intelligence. We have the ability to annihilate anything in the universe. When willing to win we can strike fear into our enemies and bring about change instantly. Our problem is not a lack of power. Be it foreign or domestic, we have lost our ability to be intelligent. We have not lost the ability to gather intelligence. Thru political appointments of incompetent people and the agenda of globalization the intelligence gathering community has become a tool of corporate society as much as the supreme court has.

Entire Article

David Bromwich: One More War, Please

Will the summer of 2010 be remembered as the time when we turned into a nation of sleepwalkers? We have heard reports of the intrusion of the state into everyday life, and of miscarriages of American power abroad. The reports made a stir, but as suddenly as they came they were gone. The last two weeks of July saw two such stories on almost successive days.

First there was "Top Secret America," the three-part Washington Post report by Dana Priest and William M. Arkin on the hyperextension of private contracts, government buildings, and tax-funded expenditures in the secret surveillance economy. Since 2001, the new industries of data mining and analysis have yielded close to a million top secret clearances for Americans to spy on other Americans. Then at the end of July came the release of 90,000 documents by Wikileaks, as reported and linked by the New York Times, which revealed among other facts the futility of American "building" efforts in Afghanistan. We are making no headway there, in the face of the unending American killing of civilians; meanwhile, American taxes go to support a Pakistani intelligence service that channels the money to terrorists who kill American soldiers: a treadmill of violence. Both findings the mainstream media brought forward as legitimate stories, or advanced as raw materials of a story yet to be told more fully. This was an improvement on the practice of reporting stories spoon-fed to reporters by the government and "checked" by unnamed sources also in government. Yet, as has happened in many cases in the mass media after 2001 -- one thinks of David Barstow's story on the "war experts" coached by the Pentagon and hired by the networks -- the stories on secret surveillance and the Afghanistan documents were printed and let go: no follow-up either in the media or in Congress.

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Iran Propaganda debunked in less than 6 minutes

I'll keep pounding this one up and until it's too late. This is the mother of all mistakes, this time shouldn't we, as a nation, listen to the experts for a change. WAKE UP!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Federal Reserve Debt Monetization Explained.

Short and easy to understand

Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours'

There always was a dark cinematic thread to the story of Pat Tillman: the football star imbued with post-9/11 patriotism who was killed in a friendly-fire incident in the Afghan mountains and the allegations of a massive bureaucratic cover-up involving the highest levels of the U.S. Army in the wake of the tragedy.

So it wasn't terribly shocking when word broke this past winter that "The Tillman Story," a documentary film, was being purchased by the powerhouse Weinstein Company. The story, even without a director applying his artistic license to the script, obviously had many elements of a political thriller.

As the release date approaches -- the film will premiere in Los Angeles and New York on August 20 -- those elements are becoming a bit clearer and more intriguing. The Weinstein Company sent the Huffington Post two previously unseen letters written by Tillman's father at the peak of frustration with the army's investigation into his son's death. The notes, penned to Brigadier General Gary M. Jones (the man spearheading the investigation) as well as the Senate Armed Services Committee (which oversaw Jones's work), paint a picture of a man increasingly convinced that a massive conspiracy was emerging around the death of his son.

Entire Article HERE

poorrichard's blog: Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food

S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.

“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.” ~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower

It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food.

Monsanto says it has no interest in the bill and would not benefit from it, but Monsanto’s Michael Taylor who gave us rBGH and unregulated genetically modified (GM) organisms, appears to have designed it and is waiting as an appointed Food Czar to the FDA (a position unapproved by Congress) to administer the agency it would create — without judicial review — if it passes. S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food supplements, food and farming.

Entire Article HERE

Iran vs Israel: What The Media Wants You To Forget

The corporate media have been given their orders to throw the focus back on to Iran.

Here is a recap of what they are trying to make you forget.

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US Military Brass Urge Soldiers To Kill Indiscriminately

Three former U.S. soldiers involved in the infamous "Collateral Murder" helicopter gunship attack on Baghdad civilians in July 2007, say that attack was nothing out of the ordinary. The massacre---that killed more than a dozen Iraqis, two of them employed by Reuters---ignited a wave of international revulsion against the U.S. military in Iraq when a video of the massacre was released by WikiLeaks last April.

"What the world did not see is the months of training that led up to the incident, in which soldiers were taught to respond to threats with a barrage of fire---a "wall of steel," in Army parlance---even if it put civilians at risk," report Sarah Lazare and Ryan Harvey in the August 16th issue of The Nation magazine.

Entire Article HERE

DOORS - Jim Morrisons Dad and Israels attack of the USS LIBERTY

The official story is that Jim Morrison died at the age of 27-years-old in the early morning hours of July 3, 1971, in his bathtub at his apartment in Paris with his girlfriend Pamela Courson. The Doors manager, Bill Siddons, flew in from L.A. but did not see his body. Why not? The only people who apparently did were a few emergency medical personnel and Dr. Max Vassile, who is now deceased. He never gave any interviews only saying that Morrison died of “natural causes” specifically of heart failure which is why there was no autopsy.

In this Rolling Stones article, things have changed quite a bit. Supposedly, Jim Morrison died in the bathroom of a Paris night club and that a singer, Marianne Faithful was sworn to secrecy not to talk about the events that lead to his overdosing of heroin that he bought from dealers for his girlfriend, Pamela Courson. Jim Morrison never did heroin in the U.S.A. and he had an intense hatred for the drug and needles as well. What did Marianne Faithful see exactly?
So why would he begin taking heroin in Paris, France? And if he did overdose why are mysterious people like this singer sworn not to talk about the events that night which led to his death? Wouldn’t these events have come out into the mainstream press several weeks later? So what really did happened to James Douglas Morrison?
And who was the American poet and singer for the rock band, The Doors, and what did he really stand for? This is an excerpt from a 1970 interview with Lizzie James:
He talks about his dislike for drugs with Lizzie James in this 1970 full interview. We are supposed to believe he died of a drug overdose which caused heart failure. But his personal physician, Dr. Derwin gave him a complete physical before he left to France and said to the press, “Jim was in excellent health before leaving to Paris.”
“We walked down to the Garden Spot on La Cienega for dinner. That was the evening we talked about drugs. I told him stories I’d heard of his acid escapades, and he laughed and said, ‘I’m not interested in drugs,’ almost scornfully, and lifted his martini glass towards me, rotating it slightly with a smile that said that this was the ‘Crystal Ship.’ Another time I offered him some speed, pot and once or twice some very superior downers, and he declined always, once with a derisive shake of his head saying, ‘I don’t need any pills.’”

Entire Article HERE

The Fluoride Fraud -- Signs of the Times News

When was the last time you stopped to think about the one thing you can't live without? I don't mean the Internet - I'm talking about water. Without clean drinking water, life could not go on. This is why it's so important that we know what is in our water. For the past sixty-five years, city governments nationwide have been adding a controversial substance called fluoride to municipal water supplies.

You probably recognize the word fluoride from the back of your toothpaste tube or from your visits to the dentist. But the fluoride added to our water is not the same as that in our toothpaste. The chemical added to our water is a fluorine compound called hexafluorosilicic acid that is generated as a by-product from the phosphate fertilizer industry.

Entire Article HERE

Top Climate Scientists Speak out on the Satellitegate Scandal

US Government admits global warming satellite sensors “degraded” - temperatures may be out by 10-15 degrees. Now five satellites in controversy. Top scientists speak out.

In an escalating row dubbed ‘Satellitegate’ further evidence proves NOAA knew of these faults for years. World’s top climate scientists and even prior governmental reports cite underfunding and misallocation as the trigger for spiraling satellite data calamities. Key flaws with five satellites undermines global data.

Most disturbing of all is that it took publication of my article last week to persuade the authorities to withdraw the errant NOAA-16 satellite from service. But as Dr. John Christy indicates, the real Satellitegate is not about one satellite. The scandal is endemic with comparable flaws across the entire network; the scandal is also that it took a tip off from a member of the public and the widespread broadcast of my article before one of the offending junk boxes, NOAA-16, got taken down.

Entire Article HERE

Friday, August 13, 2010

What The Bleep Do We Know ?! Intro trailer compilation

A great introduction into the world of Quantum Physics. A world in which we are all participants in, but only a small few realize their role, or that the part even existed!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

If Americans Knew - trailer

This is an introduction into an area that most Americans take the media's word for. This is far beyond the disparaging, perfidious left / right paradigm. It is hidden in plain site by the majority of our elected representatives. Follow the money and let the self incrimination begin!

An Explanation of Anti-Semitism

To be “semitic” means that one belongs to the peoples who are descendants from Sam (Shem), son of Noah from the Old Testament (Torah). The place of residence of the Semitic peoples is the middle east; our languages are Acadian, Aramaic, Amharic, Arabic, Hebrew. All Arab nations are included among the Semitic peoples. According to biblical lore, we have dark skin because Sam had dark skin. Noah of the Old Testament of the Bible (Torah) is revered as a Prophet in Islam. The Hebrews eventually left the area which became a province of the Roman Empire of their own volition.

The few descendants of the original jews are those who today are known as Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews, who established themselves mainly around the Mediterranean and in the Arabic countries, respectively. These two groups are the only Jews who can be called “Semitic” in any sense of the word. The main line of today’s Jews are the Ashkenazim, who represent about 95% of the Jews of our days. The word “Ashkenazi” means “German Jew” in Yiddish and it denotes European Jews in general. Within the tradition of the Old Testament, the Ashkenazim are not descendants of Sam, but are of the lineage of his brother Japheth, the son of Noah who is the forefather of the peoples of white and yellow skin.

Entire Article HERE

RUN FROM THE CURE - Full Version

The Rick Simpson Story, Strong Message!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stan Goff: 'Hold on to your humanity: An open letter to GIs in Iraq'

By Stan Goff (US Army Retired

11/15/13: Dear American serviceperson in Iraq, Afghanistan and other points of our imperial reach

I am a retired veteran of the army, and my own son is among you, a paratrooper like I was. The changes that are happening to every one of you--some more extreme than others--are changes I know very well. So I'm going to say some things to you straight up in the language to which you are accustomed.

In 1970, I was assigned to the 173rd Airborne Brigade, then based in northern Binh Dinh Province in what was then the Republic of Vietnam. When I went there, I had my head full of shit: shit from the news media, shit from movies, shit about what it supposedly mean to be a man, and shit from a lot of my know-nothing neighbors who would tell you plenty about Vietnam even though they'd never been there, or to war at all.

The essence of all this shit was that we had to "stay the course in Vietnam," and that we were on some mission to save good Vietnamese from bad Vietnamese, and to keep the bad Vietnamese from hitting beachheads outside of Oakland. We stayed the course until 58,000 Americans were dead and lots more maimed for life, and 3,000,000 Southeast Asians were dead. Ex-military people and even many on active duty played a big part in finally bringing that crime to a halt.

When I started hearing about weapons of mass destruction that threatened the United States from Iraq, a shattered country that had endured almost a decade of trench war followed by an invasion and twelve years of sanctions, my first question was how in the hell can anyone believe that this suffering country presents a threat to the United States? But then I remembered how many people had believed Vietnam threatened the United States. Including me.

When that bullshit story about weapons came apart like a two-dollar shirt, the politicians who cooked up this war told everyone, including you, that you would be greeted like great liberators. They told us that we were in Vietnam to make sure everyone there could vote.

Entire Article HERE

Top 20 Lies of the World

Interesting Starting Point For One's Own Research...
Prove or Disprove?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Israel-Palestine: The Missing Headlines: Former Intelligence Officers warn Israel may attack Iran this month and drag US into another war; discuss ways to stop it

Ray McGovern - Warning to the President

FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT: War With Iran

We write to alert you to the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran as early as this month. This would likely lead to a wider war. Israel’s leaders would calculate that once the battle is joined, it will be politically untenable for you to give anything less than unstinting support to Israel, no matter how the war started, and that U.S. troops and weaponry would flow freely. Wider war could eventually result in destruction of the state of Israel. This can be stopped, but only if you move quickly to preempt an Israeli attack by publicly condemning such a move before it happens.

We believe that comments by senior American officials, you included, reflect misplaced trust in Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Actually, the phrasing itself can be revealing, as when CIA Director Panetta implied cavalierly that Washington leaves it up to the Israelis to decide whether and when to attack Iran, and how much “room” to give to the diplomatic effort. On June 27, Panetta casually told ABC’s Jake Tapper, “I think they are willing to give us the room to be able to try to change Iran diplomatically … as opposed to changing them militarily.”

Entire Letter HERE

Friday, August 6, 2010

We The People Features - Taxes - USA Today Ad - Friday July 7, 2000

Dear We The People

These are the major points expressed in a Remonstrance, that was hand delivered to leaders of the three branches of the federal government on April 13, 2000, by a group of citizen-delegates representing all 50 states. These grievances concern alleged illegal operations of the federal income tax system and the IRS.

The Remonstrance was signed by thousands of citizens, and was delivered as part of an event sponsored by We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to research and education in matters of taxation & governance.

Entire Article HERE

The American Conservative -- How to Lose Your Job in Talk Radio

“Imagine these startling headlines with the nation at war in the Pacific six months after Dec. 7, 1941: “No Signs of Japanese Involvement in Pearl Harbor Attack! Faulty Intelligence Cited; Wolfowitz: Mistakes Were Made.”

Or how about an equally disconcerting World War II headline from the European theater: “German Army Not Found in France, Poland, Admits President; Rumsfeld: ‘Oops!’, Powell Silent; ‘Bring ’Em On,’ Says Defiant FDR.”It seems to me that when there is reason to go to war, it should be self-evident. The Secretary of State should not need to convince a skeptical world with satellite photos of a couple of Toyota pickups and a dumpster. And faced with a legitimate casus belli, it should not be hard to muster an actual constitutional declaration of war. Now in the absence of a meaningful Iraqi role in the 9/11 attack and the mysterious disappearance of those fearsome Weapons of Mass Destruction, there might be some psychic satisfaction to be had in saying, “I told you so!” But it sure isn’t doing my career as a talk-show host any good.The criterion of self-evidence was only one of dozens of objections I raised before the elective war in Iraq on my afternoon drive-time talk show on KFYI in Phoenix. Many of the other arguments are familiar to readers of The American Conservative.

Entire Article HERE

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Freedom to Fascism Trailer The New McCarthyism

Back in the year 1947, the House Select Committee began an investigation into the Motion Picture Industry. Ostensibly the goal was to ferret out communists working in the film industry. But in actuality the US Government was concerned that Hollywood was no longer as blindly supportive of government policy as it had been only a few years earlier at the height of WW2. In particular, J. Edgar Hoover had long held the opinion that the entertainment industry should be the propaganda arm for the government in peace time as well as war.

However, as WW2 had ended, the defense establishment had lobbied for the creation of a "Cold" war against the Soviet Union, a war not actually to be fought, but constantly to be prepared for at huge cost to the taxpayers. This cost was the visible manifestation of the "Military Industrial Complex" President Eisenhower referred to in his farewell address, and many in Hollywood openly wondered just why so much more money had to be thrown into the war machine during a time of peace, and more to the point, just why we were supposed to be so afraid of the communists.

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Ron Pauls Home School High School Curriculum--By Far The Best Curriculum, at the Right Price: Free!

Ron Paul's home school curriculum is going to be popular. His ideas appeal to home school parents. This curriculum reinforces their outlook.

GOVERNMENT. Most states require a course in civics. There is nothing to match this. It begins in the junior year. There is an elective senior course.

The Law. This is a first-semester course on the law. Textbook: Bastiat's The Law. This is a series of readings on the theory of limited civil government. It includes primary source documents and articles from The Freeman and

U.S. Constitution. This is a second-semester course. It is taken simultaneously with the American history course. It shows what the Framers' goals were for the Constitution: limited government. It covers the anti-Federalists, who warned of political centralization and loss of liberty. It shows how the Supreme Court hijacked the Constitution in 1803 with Marbury vs. Madison: the doctrine of judicial review, which the Framers had not foreseen. It also shows how Presidents centralized power, how Congress centralized power, and why voters promoted both. Textbook: The Revolution: A Manifesto.

Imagine the possible outcome?

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Also read The Ron Paul Curriculum: A New Way to Educate Americans Free of Charge by Gary North

Studies Prove That These Drugs Make Your Brain Stop Working… by Joseph Mercola

Drugs commonly taken for a variety of common medical conditions negatively affect your brain, causing long-term cognitive impairment. These drugs, called anticholinergics, block acetylcholine, a nervous system neurotransmitter.

They include such common over-the-counter brands as Benadryl, Dramamine, Excedrin PM, Nytol, Sominex, Tylenol PM, and Unisom.

Other anticholinergic drugs, such as Paxil, Detrol, Demerol and Elavil are available only by prescription.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

GOP Blank Check for War? by Patrick J. Buchanan

High among the blunders of history was the "blank cheque" Kaiser Wilhelm gave Vienna, after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, to deal with the Serbs as they saw fit.

Five weeks later, Vienna cashed the check and declared war, after Belgrade refused to submit to all 10 demands of an ultimatum. Russia mobilized; Germany and France followed. And war came, the bloodiest in all of European history with 9 million soldiers in their graves.

Since June 1914, a "blank check" given by one nation to another for war has been regarded as strategic folly.

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

History of False Flag 2nd Edit (1 of 11)

History of American false flag operations

The leaders of smaller and less industrialised nations are not madmen (whatever the media claims). They also are generally better informed than their citizens. In a war an attacker does not need equal forces compared to the enemy. The attacker needs a 5-fold local superiority, or better. No one begins wars without very definite objectives and a quick victory in sight. If a war with more even military balance erupts, someone has been mislead and walked into a trap (usually arranged by third party).

After the American war of Independence (1776-1779), and an English challenge to that independence (1812-1814) no single nation has planned an offensive war against the USA. It is probable that a strong coalition of Anglo-French-led European nations planned to split the USA into two states through diplomatic recognition of the Confederate states possibly followed up by naval blockade embargoing the Union. At that time the British Empire was the strongest naval power, and the French the second strongest. The events led, however, into the Civil War (1860-1865) and due to the Russian intervention 1863 (1863) on the Union's side, those European plans were quietly abandoned.

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Indictment Shows Washington Is ‘Israeli-Occupied Territory’ by Justin Raimondo --

The indictment of Larry Franklin, the 58-year-old analyst who headed up the Pentagon’s Iran desk, marks a milestone in the FBI’s four-year-plus probe into Israel’s covert activities in the U.S. The investigation predates 9/11 and involves some of the leading figures associated with planning and agitating for the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The players: a hardline faction of the administration committed to “regime change” not only in Iraq, but throughout the Middle East. Skilled at the art of bureaucratic infighting and relentlessly determined, even as the neocons’ plan for the invasion and occupation of Iraq was being implemented they were planning to put the next phase of their grand plan for the Middle East into operation: a confrontation with Iran.

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Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed - PT 1/2

Watch, research and become a label reader above all...

Judge Napolitano - 'Arizona Statute Is UnConstitutional'

A view from a man who knows his way around the Constitution, agree or disagree?