Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Judge Jim Gray Part 1: In Harm's Way

A well thought out position, bet this guy is a damn good judge.
This is part 1 of 3

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Money as Credit

When we let private interests control our money and credit systems, we have a manipulated market, rigged in their favor, not a free market.

Monday, November 8, 2010

How the Republicans Will Sucker the Tea Party

First, you must understand that Boehner is a GobGop: a Good Old Boy of the Grand Old Party. The GobGops' goal is to keep the present system funded by the Bigs: Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Big Banking. If you do not understand this, then you are as naive as a Democrat who thinks Obama speaks for The Common Man. Boehner shilled for Hank Paulson and Goldman Sachs by begging the Republicans to vote for the $750+ billion Big Bank Bailout in 2008.

Entire Article HERE

Ron Paul Is About to Totally Revolutionize the House Monetary Policy Panel

That’s about to change. Ron Paul, the Republican Congressman from Texas, is the ranking member of the monetary policy subcommittee, and when the next Congress takes over he’ll likely be the chairman of the subcommittee.

And Congressman Paul has some big plans.

Entire Article HERE