Sunday, September 4, 2011

6 Reasons Ron Paul Can Win...

Last Tuesday, August 23rd, Rasmussen released polling data which showed that voters who identified neither as Republican or Democrat preferred Texas congressman Ron Paul for president over current president Barack Obama by a margin of 10%. This was the widest margin of any of the current crop of Republican candidates and reflects the strength of Ron Paul’s message with independents and those who identify as third party voters. It also contradicts the mainstream media meme that Ron Paul can’t win.

Let’s review some of the reasons 2012 could be the year for a Ron Paul victory.

1) Paul Already Has a Record of Winning

Ron Paul consistently defeats more mainstream, GOP funded challengers during every Republican primary for Texas’s 14th Congressional District. In 2010, he won the seat by a 70% margin in a four-way race.

Ron Paul also won the CPAC straw poll in both 2010 and 2011. He won the Southern Republican Leadership Conference poll in 2011 after losing in 2010 by one vote to Mitt Romney. Most recently Paul had a very strong 2ndplace showing in the Iowa Straw Poll, losing to Michele Bachmann by less than 1% of the vote.

Ron Paul’s son, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, along with Utah Senator Mike Lee, and Michigan Congressman Justin Amash won their respective races campaigning on what is essentially Ron Paul’s platform. These races demonstrate that Paul’s brand of principled conservatism can and will win over voters, particularly younger voters and independent voters.

2) Paul Has a Base of Loyal Young Voters

In the August 24, 2011 Gallup poll, Ron Paul was the candidate most preferred by Republicans and Republican-leaning voters aged 18 to 29. Many young voters supported Paul in his 2008 campaign. Now these same voters have become experienced campaigners and activists. The straw poll successes at CPAC, SRLC, and Iowa are directly related to the knowledge and enthusiasm of Paul’s young supporters and their desire to make Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign a success.

Entire Article HERE

Ron Paul - Amazing

When the truth is entrenched firmly in your favor, the "friends of big government" tactics become futile, even exposing the agenda of undermining or trying to silence Paul.

Ron Paul defends his ideology against Michael Moore on Larry King Live

Ron Paul eloquently does what he does best, respectfully educates the opposition.

Vintage Ron Paul Campaign Ad

Ron Paul is a man of principle, who doesn't change his philosophy based on the latest polls. Paul is a most unusual politician, in many ways.

He knows why he is for a particular stance and is familiar with the most advanced & complex inner workings of each position. And yet Paul has the ability to take such complex insights & present them in clear, lucid terms that most can understand.

The above vintage clip from a Dr Paul re-election campaign of yesteryear, underscores the true integrity & utmost consistency of this rare American, and still rarer politician.

America Will Have A Bright Future If Paul Wins

Maybe you do not agree with his foreign policy of peace and non-interventionism.

Perhaps you heard some sort of distortion that he wants to legalize heroine when, in reality, he wants to leave that decision rightfully, and Constitutionally, up to the states.

The fact is, this presidential election is neither about heroine nor entirely about foreign policy. It is about the economy, and no Republican candidate knows economics better than Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Small government Conservatism is all the rage with Republicans these days, and no candidate better represents that movement than the founder of the Tea Party himself, Ron Paul.

In commemoration of the Boston Tea Party, a moneybomb was held on December 16, 2007, when Ron Paul raised $6 million in a 24-hour period. This was the very beginning of the Tea Party movement.

Yet, the undeniable fact of the matter is, Paul still does not win over mainstream Republicans. Many, who in fact claim to be passionate Tea Party members, think of Paul as a "kook" or "crazy."

But still many of these people parade as small government aficionados and rave about the foul taste Obama has left in their mouths, while simultaneously writing off the single candidate who truly believes in freedom and small government in favor of establishment figures such as Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and Palin-esque Michele Bachmann.

Entire Article HERE

How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty